The Desert church of Christ, Kingman, Arizona
Welcome to the Desert church of Christ, Kingman, Arizona
We Have Moved! Visit us at
Who We Are
As the church of Christ, we are striving to follow the teachings of the Bible as close as we can. We have no other creed or doctrine other than what is found in the Bible. We attempt to worship according to the New Testament pattern. We have no central government located on earth. We believe that Jesus is the head of the church and each individual congregation makes up the one body. Each congregation is responsible to govern itself according to the pattern set forth in the New Testament. Each congregation should have its own elders who oversee the spiritual development of the congregation. These men are also called pastors or shepherds. Deacons are men that oversee the physical and administrational areas of the church. Each deacon will have an area of responsibility that he will focus on to see that the church runs smoothly. These areas might include but are not limited to: education, finances, office adminstration, organizing the worship service, building and grounds, maintanence, etc.
We meet each Sunday (the first day of the week) in order to worship God and edify one another. This is according to the pattern in the New Testament. During this worship, continuing to follow the New Testament pattern, we sing (a cappella), pray, take the Lord's Supper, give as we have purposed in our hearts, and read and hear a lesson from Scripture.
We also meet on Wednesday evenings for a midweek Bible study. This gives us an additional opportunity for spiritual growth and gives us another opportunity to draw nearer to God and His children. We have classes for young children. teens, and adults. The adult class is usually designed more as a discussion rather than a lecture. We feel it is important to have interactive classes to keep people involved and help people have the opportunity to ask questions and get some answers and opinions from others in the class.
We would love to have you join us for worship. If you are traveling in our area, please know that you will be our honored guest. If you live in our area, we would love for you to become part of our family.
The church is made up of people. To this end, there are a variety of personalities in the church. When you come here, you will see many types of people. There are different age groups and people of different social standings. Most of the people that attend here are very friendly and willing to make you feel welcome, however, just like everywhere else you go, there may be some folks that seem starnge to you. That is okay, we are here to worship God and serve Him through serving one another. We all have been blessed with talents and we must use them to His glory! When you attend a worship service here you will that we will sing (a capella), pray, give as we have purposed in our hearts, take the Lord's Supper, read scripture and have a lesson from scripture. Our desire is to do things as we read in the Bible as close as we can. We don't claim to be perfect, just forgiven.
Our Service Times
Sunday Bible Study: 9:30 AM Worship: 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM (Children's Bible Hour during the AM sermon)
Wednesday: Golden Sixties 10:00 AM (January-May; August-November) Bible Study 7:00 PM
Thursday Evening Home Bible Study 7:00 PM At Garfield's
Our Mission Statement
"The Desert church of Christ exists to glorify God through love, service, and worship. We can accomplish these great things for God because He is alive and active in us."
Our Theme For 2009:
"Light The Fire"